Establishment of efficient system of control of the ionizing radiation sources, safe and secure management of radioactive/nuclear material and radioactive waste with objective of protection from ionizing radiation of the population, the occupationally exposed persons  and  the environment.



To be liders in the region in establishment of highest level of radiation protection of the population, the occupationally exposed persons and environment in the Republic of Macedonia in accordance with the highest international standards.

Duty Phone

Phone number of Radiation Safety directorate for emergency events and for reporting clinics operating without a license issued by Radiation Safety directorate.
075 / 25 - 42 - 25

Радиоактивност во воздухот во РСМ
Онлајн мониторинг мерења

Радиоактивност во воздухот во РСМ Онлајн мониторинг мерења

Дома си е дома

Вевчани, Струга, Охрид


Берово, Пехчево


Шар Планина, Тетово, Гостивар


Смоларски, Гевгелија, Дојран


Галичник, Маврово
