1. Memorandum of Understanding between the Radiation Safety Directorate of the Republic of Macedonia and the National Commission for Nuclear Activities Control of Romania for cooperation on radiation protection regulation matters, signed on 26 of October 2010, Bucharest, Romania
  2. Agreement between the Radiation Safety Directorate of the Republic of Macedonia and the Nuclear Regulatory Agency of the Republic of Bulgari for cooperation in radiation protection matters, signed on 17 of November 2010, Sofia, Bulgaria
  3. Memorandum of understanding between the Macedonian Radiation Safety Directorate and the Slovenian Nuclear Safety Administration on the Exchange of Information on Nuclear and Radiation Safety Matters, signed in Vienna, Austria, during the 54th IAEA General Conference
  4. Memorandum of understanding between the Radiation Safety Directorate of the Republic of Macedonia and the Environmental Protection Agency of Montenegro for cooperation in the field of radiation protection, signed on 25 May 2011, Ohrid, Macedonia,
  5. Memorandum of understanding between the Radiation Safety Directorate of the Republic of Macedonia and the State Regulatory Agency for Radiation Safety and Nuclear Safety of Bosnia and Herzegovina for cooperation in the field of radiation protection, signed 21st of December 2011 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Duty Phone

Phone number of Radiation Safety directorate for emergency events and for reporting clinics operating without a license issued by Radiation Safety directorate.
075 / 25 - 42 - 25

Радиоактивност во воздухот во РСМ
Онлајн мониторинг мерења

Радиоактивност во воздухот во РСМ Онлајн мониторинг мерења

Дома си е дома

Вевчани, Струга, Охрид


Берово, Пехчево


Шар Планина, Тетово, Гостивар


Смоларски, Гевгелија, Дојран


Галичник, Маврово
